zondag 29 januari 2017

RSP1 is replaced by RSP2 inside the Vasyljev

This heart transplantation was inevitable.

The images tell the story by itself!

Before the transplantation:

Both the Airspy Mini and the RSP1 on board.

.... and how it changed to Vasyljev 2.0

Removed the back pane

The RSP1 removed and the RSP2 on its position

Preparing the new back pane

Almost ready, thanks to the Dremel

The Hi-Z terminals in place

Back pane

Populating the back pane

New situation

The Hi-Z interconnection is ready

Back pane - once again 

With banana to BNC adapter

Earth plate now connected to BNC terminals becaue floating inputs were a bit noisier

Operating the Vasyljev 2.0

CAT control implemented
A wire antenna that can be connected to the Hi-Z input directly